I’m standing up


If not now, then when? I cannot stand by any longer hoping someone else will stand up for Israel. At recent rallies I have attended, Pro-Israel groups are always outnumbered by Pro-Palestinian supporters who are shouting their rhetoric demeaning Israel with misinformation. On a weekly basis protests are growing from the Brown University campus to Boston and beyond.

With Jews in the minority, we must show up! That’s why I am compelled to get off my duff and do something about it by supporting Pro-Israel groups. I attend local rallies holding an Israeli flag and a sign saying “We Stand With Israel.” Many of my friends say, “It’s great that YOU are getting out and doing that,” but are they willing to get out and really do something to support their beliefs? If not now, then when?

This war on Israel cannot be fought by a few. We must ALL do something or not “wish I did something” in retrospect. Doing nothing IS doing something.

Roberta K. Schneider

East Providence, RI

letter to the editor, Roberta Schneider