Our state’s motto is simply “Hope.” For many right now, feelings of hope may feel distant and difficult to achieve. But we must remember, we all have a responsibility to one …
In December 2019 I sat in a Newport living room with more than 25 members of our community, and I listened. The group was diverse in age, diverse in denomination, and diverse in politics and …
The Torah describes Jacob in his last days, blessing his sons. He leaves behind him a record of life marked by dramatic episodes: he was despised by his brothers when he was young and later elevated …
Are you a resolution maker or do you prefer to just move ahead into the year without a list of goals to work on? Do you have trouble making resolutions that you can accomplish or even making …
Did you know that a pigeon is a dove and that the word “columbus” means just that in Latin, the bird that makes a cooing, melancholy melody over all the continents and builds …
In the summer of 2019, well before our lives were upended by the seemingly never-ending “new normal,” I wrote a column about how my wife and I were about to become empty-nesters. At that …
Seventy years ago, David Charak Adelman saw his idea for a new organization become a reality. For many years, Adelman had been collecting “Rhode Island Americana” – printed …