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  Donald J. Trump’s second presidential term was barely minted last month when he released a series of sweeping executive orders that would unleash harsh raids, detentions and … more
School resumed at Providence Hebrew Day School on Tuesday, Sept. 1.  Students and teachers were so happy to be back in school despite the many COVID-related regulations. All students and … more
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. –Winston Churchill Families and congregants often ask me “so what do you do in the summer?” They … more
BY FRAN OSTENDORF In the last year, the Rabbi Leslie Yale Gutterman Religious School at Temple Beth-El, in Providence, has been reimagined for the modern family. The aim was an innovative model … more
Temple Emanu-El’s Religious School welcomes Ronni Saltzman Guttin as the new director of education. Guttin looks forward to greeting all students and their families at a celebratory breakfast … more
Providence Hebrew Day School (PHDS) is looking forward to welcoming our students back to school in the coming week. We are very fortunate that our students are returning from vacation ready and … more
While many of us are still enjoying lazy days at the beach, administrators and staff at the Jewish Community Day School of Rhode Island are busy cleaning, waxing floors, painting walls and preparing … more
Heading back to school after a summer break can be difficult for parents and other caregivers, as well as children.  Here are some suggestions to help transition from summer to a school … more
For many families the new school year arrives with emotions ranging from excitement to anxiety.  In my experience, three major stressors can affect the summer-to-school transition: sleep, … more
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