Beth David women sew for foster children



/STEPHANIE MALINOWRecently a group of women from Congregation Beth David in Narragansett became aware of the plight of foster children throughout the state. These children, from infants to teens, are often relocated on short notice, and they need personal items to bring with them as well as a bag to carry the items in.

As part of their commitment to tikkun olam, making the world a better place, the women decided to address these needs. They organized sewing evenings to make brightly colored personal tote bags. Notices went out to congregants for donations of new hand towels, shampoo and soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, hairbrushes and combs, and pencils and small notebooks. The response was overwhelming. And so were the stories exchanged between the women as they crafted the special bags. One woman had been a foster child herself. Another has a daughter who regularly cares for foster children in her home. A third has worked with special needs foster children in the school system. All the women brought enthusiasm, talent and a genuine concern for the children.

All items sewn and donated were delivered to DCYF at the end of April. This mitzvah project was organized by congregants Bernice Brandies and Stephanie Malinow.

STEPHANIE MALINOW is a member of Congregation Beth David in Narragansett.