Israel at 75


More than 800 people celebrated Israel’s 75th birthday on May 21 at Farm Fresh RI in Providence. They danced. They listened to music. They ate good food and visited the many vendors supporting Israel and the Jewish community in Rhode Island.

Elihay Skital, Israeli shaliach (emissary) to the Rhode Island community, welcomed the crowd. “Today, we gather here in the spirit of unity – Achdut, celebration, and deep-rooted pride as we come together to celebrate a significant milestone—the 75th birthday of the state of Israel!”

He also emphasized the importance of the Rhode Island Jewish community. “Today, we celebrate not only the birth of Israel but also the vibrant tapestry of Jewish culture that has thrived in our own local community,” he said. “Rhode Island, our home, has been a haven for Jewish families for generations – a place where our traditions, values and customs have flourished. It is within this small state that we have nurtured our sense of belonging, where we have forged lifelong friendships, and where we have shared in both joyous and challenging moments.”

There was no doubt that this joyous moment was a success.